Can WHMbackup be used without reseller account? September 07, 2020, 02:51:50 PM I'm using WHM as root user (with 5 configured cPanel accounts), but I don't have a reseller account configured. Is there a way to use the WHMbackup solution as a root user?What I'm trying to achieve is to use the standard WHM backup for local backups (7x daily and 2x monthly), but I would like to transfer just the 2x monthly backups to the remote backup server (WHM would normally transfer all created backups to the remote server). So, ideally, I would use the standard WHM backup service for the 7x daily and 2x monthly local backups, and then configure the WHMbackup script to create and transfer just, for example, weekley backups to the remote backup server. Would this be possible?
Re: Can WHMbackup be used without reseller account? Reply #1 – September 07, 2020, 06:53:29 PM Hi,WHM Backup Solutions would be great for that. A reseller account is essentially root with just a few less privileges. So yes, instead of entering the reseller login details in the config file just enter your root details. I highly recommend using the API Token with restricted permissions however as shown on the FAQ page. Just to keep safety in mind .
Re: Can WHMbackup be used without reseller account? Reply #2 – September 08, 2020, 12:54:24 PM Thank you, I'll try that.