Last post by jcwacky -
My host ( are disabling the SCP command on all servers in a few weeks due to multiple outstanding security issues with SCP affecting PCI compliance.
They already don't allow insecure FTP. So presumably I will no longer be able to use WHM Backup Solutions?
I believe as you use the cPanel APIs, it would initially be up to cPanel to develop an SFTP backup transfer option (my host enquired with cPanel regarding this, but apparently it's unlikely to happen anytime soon).
But I thought I enquire about the possibility of manually implementing a backup option that doesn't use SCP/FTP and instead uses SFTP only. I assume you'd need to use the cPanel API to generate the backup and then manually implement the ability for the script to transfer it via SFTP.
The PHP notices can be ignored they do not affect the running of the script. (On a side note I will be resolving these error messages shortly).
If the backup files are created but not transferred then there is a problem with your cpanel server or your FTP/SCP server. Pleas enable backup emails when running the backup and examine the emails you receive per cpanel account for any transfer errors.
Alternatively you can run the backup manually from within cpanel by creating a full account backup on an account that doesn't backup correctly.
Please note to create and transfer a backup. The account being backed up must have enough space to temporarily store the backup file. This is a limitation by cpanel itself.
Last post by jvande -
[28-Dec-2021 14:36:05 America/Halifax] PHP Notice: Undefined index: result in /home/xxx/backup/resources/functions.php on line 704 [28-Dec-2021 14:47:03 America/Halifax] PHP Notice: Undefined index: result in /home/xxx/backup/resources/functions.php on line 704
I have been having this error popup on my one host for a couple of months now. I didn't think anything of it, then realized that not all of my accounts are being successfully backed up. There are missing accounts. After reading the post from today by Steve, I switched to running PHP 7.4, but the error still persists. I also noticed that the backup file is created, but it isn't downloaded nor deleted (presumably because it wasn't downloaded). This makes the account go over-quota for diskspace as well.
To test things, I created a cron generate at 1min intervals until the log file changed, then deleted that cron and created a regular cron to force the backup as a test.
I have this same script running the same settings on another host - its been working great there for years.